Time for reality.
Less than a month left...
I'm feeling really apprehensive about returning to Canada. I know that I have no choice. I also know that I'm being overly negative, without reason; however, I just don't feel like it. I'd much rather stay on here longer. Obviously I can return, which is a comfort, but it will never be the same. Every stage and experience is a chapter in itself. Once I leave that chapter is closed, it's been written. Obviously characters and scenes can come into play again; but no chapter in entirety will be. This makes me happy, because I know that I've really learned a lot and felt a lot of emotions during this stay, but at the same time it's so terribly sad because a lot of these people mean a lot to me right now. And if they don't in the future? Other people will. Which is kind of depressing, but beautifully realistic I think.
However, I am certain that there are certain people I will not forget, and I will make an effort to keep in touch with.
Time to cry on the metro.
Well I'm trying to understand exactly what you mean here... and yes there are a bunch of culeros, pendejos, gandallas & ojetes in here, Mexico, specially if they see someone they think is a gringita... but, on the other hand there are a few good guys who like to help in any way they can... I know maybe this is a 10% of all men in this great Mexico!
by rubens